Outdoor Living Inspiration for Unforgettable Gatherings at Home
How Long Do Outdoor Pizza Ovens Last?
What is the Life Expectancy of an Outdoor Pizza Oven? A masonry wood fire outdoor pizza oven can last indefinitely if it is well-constructed and maintained. When you consider there are examples of brick dome pizza ovens that are a few hundred years old still operating today in Italy, your…
The Great Wood Fired Pizza Oven Debate – Which Wood is Best?
You’ve bought or built a wood-fired pizza oven in your outdoor kitchen. You’re ready to fire it up and start making those delectable wood-fired pizza recipes. Now you need wood to build your fire, but what type? Which Wood is Best for Wood Fired Pizza Ovens? A seasoned and dried…
Where Do You Find Fire Bricks for a DIY Wood Fired Pizza Oven?
If you are considering building a DIY brick pizza oven in your outdoor kitchen, you will need to use fire bricks in your construction. What Are Fire Bricks? Any brick that can endure repeated heating and cooling at various temperature ranges is referred to as a fire brick. Furthermore, fire…