How to Remove Rust from an Outdoor Refrigerator
Removing Rust from an Outdoor Fridge
Finding a bit of rust, or the beginnings of an all-out rust invasion, can be quite surprising when you have spent a boat-load of money on a quality specimen of outdoor refrigeration technology. For that kind of money, these things shouldn't rust. Ever.
Rust signifies a problem either with the selection of materials, the environment, or upkeep. Fortunately, rust is a solvable problem.
Why Does an Outdoor Refrigerator Rust?
Certain metals are less prone to rust than others. Stainless steel, because of its composition, is less likely to corrode and rust than iron or steel. Many outdoor refrigeration appliances have stainless steel surfaces which are exposed to the elements.
1. An outdoor refrigerator can rust because it is made of an inferior gr...